Discover the power of microalgae

Microalgae are a sustainable solution for a greener future. They efficiently sequester carbon, produce renewable energy, and offer nutrient-rich food sources, transforming industries from agriculture to biofuel. Explore how our high-quality microalgae cultures and tailored growing solutions can help you innovate and thrive.

Our solutions

Our products

Discover our products for your microalgae needs, including algae cultures, growing media, and marine solutions.

Algae Cultures

High-quality algae cultures for diverse applications, from aquariums to research.

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Growing media

Specialized media and nutrients to optimize algae growth and productivity.

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Marine water

Balanced solutions for healthy and thriving marine environments.

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Solutions for small organizations, institutes, and private individuals

We offer tailored solutions for a diverse range of clients, including private individuals looking to enhance their aquariums or create their own superfoods. Small organizations involved in aquaculture, biofuel production, and health supplements benefit from our specialized products. Educational institutions such as schools, universities and research institutes rely on us for high-quality algae to drive scientific research and innovation.

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Our solutions

Explore our range of microalgae solutions designed to meet diverse needs.

Food sources for aquariums

Our microalgae provide essential nutrients for marine life, supporting vibrant, healthy aquariums and sustainable aquaculture.

Biofuel feedstock

Harness the power of microalgae for renewable energy. Our cultures are an efficient, eco-friendly feedstock for biofuel production.

Starting point for superfood

Boost nutrition with our high-quality microalgae, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, ideal for superfood products.

Research and innovation

Supplying high-quality microalgae cultures for academic and scientific research. Our products facilitate breakthroughs in biology, ecology, and renewable energy studies, supporting universities and research institutes worldwide.

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Recent articles

The role of algae in animal feed

The role of algae in animal feed: A sustainable solution for nutritious livestock diets

Algae have taken the world by storm, not just in the realms of biofuel production and environmental sustainability, but also as a promising source of animal feed. But here’s the kicker: after algae are processed for biofuel – mainly through the extraction of lipids (the fats)- what remains is a treasure trove of nutrients that […]

The role of algae and phytoplankton in marine biology: Why they matter

The role of algae and phytoplankton in marine biology: Why they matter

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Algae in Aquaculture: Boosting Fish Health and Growth

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